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Arab Countries

Work & Live in Arab Countries

Little more than two decades ago, it would have been rare to hear about an international person moving to the Gulf States in the Middle East. But over the past few years, the foreign population in the region has soared.

A construction boom in the Gulf countries has provided lucrative job opportunities for thousands of Indian construction workers whose experience is highly sought after. Rapidly expanding ex-pat populations in these regions have created a need for other workers across a range of other industries too, from finance to education and healthcare.

Tax-free salaries are no doubt the biggest incentive for International workers, with most employers offering packages which also include an accommodation allowance, health insurance, school fees, and a return flight home every year.

Arab Countries Skilled/Unskilled Visa Procedure

A Country work permit is issued by an employer in one of the countries in the Middle East to a foreign national to work for a specified period of time.

The Middle East work permit does not allow the applicant to live in the Middle East permanently. The applicant can take his family and they can apply for a study or work visa Middle East if they wish.

Written Job Offer Letter:

Before applying, it is important to receive a written job offer letter from the employer in the Middle East.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

This document is an approval issued by the government to the employer to hire the applicant.

Provide Evidence

The applicant needs to supply evidence that proves the competencies as per the job offer letter received.

Open Work Permit

An open work permit application requires the applicant to submit the written job offer letter from the proposed employer in the Middle East.


Some of the most dynamic and exciting places on Earth are situated in the Middle East.  Dubai, known as the ‘playground of the Middle East”, and with the 2020 Dubai Expo coming, has truly become a great global city. The climate is wonderful for outdoor sports like fishing, swimming, water sports and desert excursions. The Middle East is undoubtedly leading the way with an explosion of ex-pat populations that translate into the unlimited potential for those who wish to live and work there.

Middle Eastern countries like the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are highly sought after by job hunters. Below are some of the amazing benefits awaiting ex-pats to the Middle East:

  • Low- or No Income Tax
  • High Salaries & Paid Travel
  • Housing and Car Allowance
  • High-Quality Education
  • Easy Access To Holy Sites & Cultural Communities
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